Sunday we drove into Manhattan to walk around the Crafts Show at Lincoln Center. By the time we’d seen half the show it was 2 pm. Since we hadn’t had lunch we walked across the street to P.J. Clarke’s for a salad.

As we were leaving after lunch we happened to look up and high on the wall in front of us hung a sign which read “Everyday is a struggle so we must be kind to one another.” It left me thinking about how often people forget that.

I thought about my last post, inspired by the Anthony Weiner story that has been all over the news and the ways different people commented on it. Of course his behavior was extremely immature, out of control and undignified. It instantly became a massive distraction, surely caused enormous pain for those close to him and left his political career in apparent shambles. But with no personal knowledge about him I can only speculate about his underlying issues and the pain and suffering he now lives with.

The main point I want to make is while listening to the many commenting about Weiner, how quickly the majority of them were ready with harsh judgment. People did comment about how he hurt his wife, but I heard almost no empathy for Weiner himself.

Whether one agrees he should resign immediately or that as long as he is doing his job, his personal mistakes are not just cause to force him from office is not my point. Many others throughout history, in positions of high responsibility including Presidents of The United States have engaged in immature, irresponsible and emotionally unhealthy behaviors.

I know of no “perfect” human beings and life is challenging for all of us. And yet often it takes serious emotional pain and suffering before people stop, really pay attention and seek help with their psychological, emotional and interpersonal lives. One can only speculate – how many are unkind toward others, especially when hurt, challenged, disrespected or they feel in anyway threatened?

So I thought the sentiments expressed on that sign —  “Everyday is a struggle so we must be kind to one another” were worth consideration.  Since everyday many of us are faced with some of life’s challenges, I think everyone of us, regardless of position, would do well to remember to be kind and respectful to each other – everyday!

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Jeff Levine

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