Image of hands demonstrating loving relationships.Millions will be celebrating New Year’s Eve tonight. Celebrations offer an escape from the challenges, demands, stress and problems of ordinary life. That’s a good thing. We all benefit from some down time to decompress, relax, laugh, play and be carefree. And we hope for abundance in the future.

Want to feel genuinely wealthy as the New Year approaches? You can! And unlike other gifts, there is no waiting. You don’t need money. Just treat those in your life – starting with yourself – with respectful, kind, gentle, sensitive and compassionate communication/behavior and you’ll enjoy the gift of personal power – genuine inner wealth.

On the contrary, when you focus on what you think you need, feel entitled to and want from others, you will experience personal lack – the sense that you are not enough; that life is not fair and that others don’t care about you.

Shift your focus from what you think you need to receive and instead pay attention to what you are able to give unconditionally and you will experience abundance!

Happy New Year!

Image from the Flickrstream of Etsy Ketsy under Creative Commons license.

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Jeff Levine

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Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum sed sit amet dui. Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada vestibulum.