Jeff Levine speaks about his psychotherapy approach

When anyone looks for professional help, some aspect of life is not OK. Often, by the time people seek treatment, they have endured emotional suffering for many years. Finding the right psychotherapist is an important first step toward having the life you want. All you have to bring to my office is a genuine commitment and I’ll teach you how to take control of your life and change what’s not working. You will actually transform the way you relate to yourself and others – and experience a richer, more rewarding life.

Contact me if you – or someone you love – are having problems with:

  • Fears, anxiety, panic
  • Stress – personal, career, post traumatic
  • Depression, loss, grief
  • Anger, anger management
  • Addiction – alcohol, drug, sex, gambling, food
  • Loneliness, insecurity, low self-esteem
  • Infidelity, marriage, romantic relationship, sexual dysfunction
  • A child’s behavior

We will work it out together.

Please spend some time on the website to learn more about how I can help you. I look forward to hearing from you.